Thursday, September 6, 2012

Loving God

Loving God sounds easy. After all, God is God, and that's pretty awesome. He did cool stuff and he made cool stuff and he sent his son to die and whatnot, so what's not to love?

I have been finding recently that my love for God has been, well, sucky. (Pardon my french.) I'll wake up in the morning and instantly be wrapped up in my own little selfish world, with thoughts like, "What can I do to make myself happy today?" and "How does this affect me?" and "Maybe I should read my Bible today. Maybe."

And then time passes and I start to think, "I need to get my act together. I need to read my Bible and pray and go to more Christian stuff. Because I am just not loving God enough."

The ultimate goal is to love God more. But even if I try my darnedest,
I fail.

1) I can't love God on my own accord, because the only true love comes from God anyway. My love for God has to come from God.
2) I am dumb. At least compared to our Creator. I can't even fathom the magnitude of his love and what he's done for me. So how can I love him for what he's done when I don't even know because I'm merely human with a merely human intellect? There's no way I can begin to wrap my mind around why I should love him. How can I truly "get" it?

I read an article today, and a fine one too, about how we shouldn't let the Bible get "boring" for us. And it went into great detail with all kinds of metaphors and everything about how incredibly mind-boggling Jesus' love for us is and how the story of the Gospel is too remarkable to ever get tired of. And then it ended as if he just proved to all the readers why should be totally in love with God, no excuses.

Well. Maybe some of the other people who read that article had a stunning revelation and it really did change their perspective on how significant Christ's sacrifice is. But I'm a dumb human. I'm blind to the reality of it. "Oh, yeah, another reminder that Jesus died for me. Sweet, yep, okay." Why do we get bored of its daily newness? Because we're human, and humans are sinners, and sinners, well, don't care about Christ's love for them.

That being said, do we have an excuse for brushing off the significance of the Gospel or the magnitude of Christ's love? Uh, no. Our efforts are mostly, but not entirely, in vain. We should always be striving to love God more and to see his glory and goodness in our daily lives. And no, we'll never "get it" fully, but maybe, just maybe, we'll get it a little more tomorrow than we did today, with the help of his wisdom. And although we will never, ever love him as much as he loves us, maybe, just maybe, with the help of his love, we will love him a little more tomorrow than we did today.

God bless.

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