Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Mission Trip Letter (Part 2)

Dear friends,

How have you been? I have been well, and wanted to bring you up-to-date on some of the exciting opportunities I have had lately. As a junior at ________ University, I have gotten involved in Cru, or Campus Crusade for Christ. God has used Cru to help me grow, both in my walk with Christ and in my ability to impact the lives of others.

Over my spring break, I went to Kingston, Jamaica. I went with a group of students from Capital and staff from Cru. We served not on the beautiful beaches, but right in the city of Kingston. This was also not a mission trip centered around service projects, but simply around evangelism. We are partnered with Cru’s on-going ministry in Kingston, and we reached out to students at the University of Kingston. It was awesome to make friends with the students on campus and share the Gospel with them!

My second trip will be through one of Cru’s programs called Summer Project. As per the name, I will be going over the summer. There are many Summer Projects all over the nation and world, but I am going to the one in Juneau, Alaska! There, I will ministering to my coworkers and evangelizing to the residents there, as well as doing service projects! I can’t wait, because I know this will be a profound experience in letting God use me to make a difference in others’ lives and tell them how they can know Jesus personally.

In order to make these trips a reality, I need your help. First of all, I need you to pray. Please pray that God brings many people to know him personally through my trips. Also, pray for me as I prepare and go out into the world to share his good news. Another way you can help is through giving financially. I need to raise $4,350 in order to go. This will cover the cost of training materials, lodging, meals and transportation.  So far I have raised about $1,000. Would you prayerfully consider giving $500, $250, $100 or some other amount?
I have included a response card and return envelope for you to let me know of your decision. It would be a great help if you could respond by May 15th. You can also give online at by searching for my profile under my name. This website is also where you will find more information on this project and is where we will be updating throughout the trip. Please make your checks payable to Cru, as your gift is tax-deductible. Remember that your generous donation is also redeemable for treasures in Heaven (Matthew 6:19-21)! Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. Thank you very much.

God bless!

What is Time?

An excerpt from my journal (which is more like a collection of letters to God in journal-form) that I wrote this morning:

Apparently I'm really confused because I messed up the day [in the date at the top of the page], and almost wrote '17 for the year. I feel like I'm living in the future already! Ever day is the future of my childhood, which is where I feel like I'm from. I feel like I could easily be 6 years old again, but turning 22 feels impossible. That's old! I guess because I'm still 20. But I never thought I would be 20 either! What is time?

Then I talked about more serious stuff, also relating to time. God probably thinks I'm a total weirdo. What do you think God thinks of you?

God bless.

Saturday, April 6, 2013


Walking into a room of spinning stars and flowing skirts
Happy couples gaze into each other’s souls through windows on their faces
Every “single” person looks around at one another, wishing, wondering
Remembering dances in the city streets and kisses that were whisked away
Every bloody, beating heart craving for the chocolate heart of their imagined beloved

A tap on the shoulder and there he is: all teeth and hands and facial hair.
Regally takes my hand and leads me onto the dance floor
Ending what was temporary, and giving me cotton candy, sweet and temporary.

You know that songs only last a few minutes before they’re thrown into the dirty laundry
Only you hope that this one will not, because shoes don’t get washed, only worn
Until their lifetime guarantee has ended

Mark my words, there’s hope! he always says on April first
Youthfulness will never run out and time is barely ticking.

Liars, liars, liars
Only one man can tell the Truth, and he won’t let them cut in
Vain, they all want ruggedness and juicy flesh, and I’m ready to offer it.
Every day forever, I believe them.

God bless.