Sunday, March 13, 2011

With Despair Comes Hope


I was recently informed of a girl I used to know, and still (kind of) know, but not nearly as well as I did 2 1/2 years ago when I met her, attempting to kill herself this evening. The paramedics came here to our school and took her to the hospital.  I hope and pray that she'll be alright and that because of this, she will receive the love and support she's been needing.

I know I certainly haven't been doing my part to support her. She goes to my school but I've never tried to talk to her or get back in touch or anything like that. The most I've done is a mere half-smile when I happen to pass her in the dining hall. Is that something true friends do?

I sensed that things were going downhill for her, but it never fully processed so I didn't do anything. Do I feel like what happened is my fault? Well, no, not really, but could I have stopped this from happening? Possibly.

What breaks my heart the most about instances like these is the way that person must feel. I think that although I personally have glimpsed feelings of hopelessness, despair, and worthlessness, for someone who physically attempts suicide (not just thinks about it, or wonders about it), those feelings must be magnified beyond my comprehension.

Here is the message I have for you. You have probably heard it before but it can't be emphasized enough.

For anyone out there who may be considering suicide:
You are precious beyond your own understanding. You are beautiful in ways you cannot see. You are worth more than you can even comprehend. If you would not murder another human being, do not murder yourself. Find someone who can help you. Email me, even if I don't know you. ( You can talk to me. I have a love in me that comes from something greater than myself and I would love to share that with you because I know, I know that you are loved with an infinite love. Don't let yourself die without finding that love. Don't. There is hope.

For everyone else:
Be. A. Friend. Reach out to those who might be lost or lonely or hurting. You don't ever know who those people might be, so reach out to everyone. Shine a light and show love to everyone around you. Be friendly to strangers. Be a good listener. Make cards and buy flowers for people. Don't be stingy with hugs, smiles, and I Love Yous. To name a few examples. It all boils down to showing love. You never know who would be dead today if you hadn't performed that act of kindness. What's stopping you? Be a friend.

For those of you who pray, pray for my friend, and pray for any of your friends who you know might be struggling. Pray for yourself, if you're that person that's struggling. And never forget the lost...

Thanks for reading. Your kind actions, words, and prayers do make a difference.
God bless