Thursday, August 18, 2011


For me, part of college has been about discovering my style. As a middle school and high school student, my parents didn't just hand me money willy-nilly to spend however I liked and I didn't have a job so buying clothes was not something I frequently concerned myself with.

But now times are different. I'm a new, independent woman! I am currently wearing overall shorts.

I got aviators and a big white sun hat. I love my TOMS shoes and I hate having my hair left down. I don't wear makeup or jewelry much anymore but when I do, I look awesome. I shop at the thrift store and Kohl's and Target, and, if I'm feeling particularly kind to myself, Forever XXI. I love henna tattoos but have only gotten one. I like scarves, I like dresses, I like high heels, I like piercings (mostly just ear ones though), I like having my toenails painted. Maybe I'm a little eclectic, but I'm not one of those enviably good-looking-and/or-crazy people who can pull ANYTHING off.

Also, apparently I'm quirky. Who knew? I drive a pick-up truck, did you know that?

I have a secret and you can't tell anyone. If you do, you're banned from my blog. I have very stealthy ways of enforcing this ban, so watch out. But here's my secret: A week from Sunday I'm getting dreadlocks.

I've been very excited about this for a while now and yes it's my style and yes I will look good with them and yes my parents will supposedly still love me. I'll put pictures up on my blog and talk about my experience when the time comes. It'll be the day between moving back to school and the first day of classes for my third semester so it might be a little hectic but boy will it be fun!

I think it's funny because one of the most stylish people I know, who is one of those good-looking-and/or-crazy people who can pull ANYTHING off, once told me that she liked my sense of style because it's classy, formal, clean-cut, sophisticated, and sharp. And here I am getting dreads. So clean-cut. Oh well, I like myself this way :)

This post really has no direction to it. I guess, based on the final sentence of the previous paragraph, I could end with a grand and inspiring finish about how you should like yourself how you are because God made you that way and that's an awesome thing, but I fear that would be a little cliché, and it's not what I intended to begin with anyway. So I'll just awkwardly end this pointless rambling and hope and pray that I get good at writing again after taking such a fantastically long time off.

God bless.


  1. "one of those enviably good-looking-and/or-crazy people who can pull ANYTHING off" = Marie Johnson

    And, since you're so classy, formal, clean-cut, sophisticated, and sharp, maybe you could tell me what to do with MY hair. I've never dyed and am not liking the gray, but I'm not a fan of fake-looking hair.

    Your favorite Mom (MOM upside down = WOW)

  2. I think you have few enough gray hairs that you can just pluck them out each morning and voila! you will have a nice headful of brunette hairs.

  3. woah, just catching up on reading some blogs i missed while in africa - cant wait to experience the dreads with you! :)
