Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Dear Squirrel,

I met you this morning and I'm glad we hit it off so well.

I was walking along on the sidewalk, admiring the morning dew on the grass which looked like millions of diamonds scattered across the lawn, when I saw you there, prancing along the sidewalk. I got pretty close to you but not too close; you wouldn't have allowed that. I was so amazed at how silent your feet were that I wondered if you were perhaps wearing tiny socks.

You were very handsome and even though I'm not always a huge fan of squirrels (you guys sometimes scare me), I took a liking to you instantly. You had big brown eyes and soft-looking gray fur and a nice bushy tail. And I got close enough to see the way you walked; it is really very much like prancing! You were absolutely lovely. As I walked along, you scampered around the corner playfully, and when I passed said corner you were running behind a flowerpot as if to say, "Can't catch me!"

I continued my journey but kept watching you. You kept a safe ten-ish feet away from me, but we were traveling parallel to one another, and I watched you with my head turned. You darted along then dove into the bushes, and I could see you for a moment but no longer than that. I silently bid you farewell, and perhaps if I ever see you again I won't even recognize you, but please know that I delighted in our encounter and that I will not soon forget you.

Love, your new friend,

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