Thursday, April 14, 2011


Hey folks, I know it's been a while, but I've been super busy and journaling more instead. I've had a lot on my mind, but it's not really stuff I can share with the world, sorry. However, if I could ask those of you who follow Jesus to pray for my friend, I would really appreciate it. God will know who you mean, even if you don't. Thanks :)

I've been thinking a lot about alternative lifestyles. I've talked about it with a few people, and I think it'd be really cool.

The first one that I heard about that got me thinking about how I don't necessarily have to follow the normal American lifestyle that is expected of me is sharing a home. I'm not talking about me and all my other single girl friends renting an apartment and living together. I'm talking about my family, once I have one of my own, and a whole other family, sharing a house. When I heard of two christian families living together, it blew my mind. Everyone expects me to marry a man, have a few children and maybe a pet or two, and get a nice little house in a suburb and live happily ever after. But why can't we find a whole other couple, one that we're really good friends with, and live with them too? Raise all our kids in the same home, under the same roof, share pets, share meals, share furniture, share finances, everything, maybe even cars. Wouldn't that be great? Of course it would require a lot of trust on the parents' parts, you know, me trusting my husband that we're living with another woman, and him trusting me that we're living with another man. But if the trust and the faithfulness was there, the community and the deep friendships that would come from it and become deeply rooted in our home would probably be absolutely amazing.

Another thing that me and my prayer buddy, Sarah, were talking about, is intentional poverty. Living with poor people on purpose. Being poor on purpose. What if you make a lot of money? Well, I guess you could just give so much away to charities that all you have left for yourself is simply enough to get by. Or just have a low-paying job on purpose. Talk about rejecting the American Dream! I love it. It sounds so crazy, but think how much you would get out of it! It would change your life. You would see things through totally new lenses. Americans all think that we need stuff to be happy, but living a life like that forces you to form a community that can support each other, rather than just "thriving" in your own little bubble. I'm sure it would be worth it. It would definitely put things into perspective.

Or, what if I traveled to another country? Learned to live in a totally different culture?

Or adopted and raised children but never married?

Or took a vow of silence and let my actions speak rather than my words?

Readers, what are your thoughts? What sorts of alternative lifestyles can you think of, no matter how "crazy" they sound?

God bless.

Update: Everyone should watch the movie/read the book Into the Wild. I have only seen the movie, but this is the kind of radical lifestyle deviation I am talking about.


  1. Live with Amish people for a year? That would be so awesome!!!

  2. I was exposed to a family who chose to be poor. One Thanksgiving my family spent the entire day at another family's house and this "poor" family came too. I was young, so I didn't hang around with the adults, but I remember thinking they were weird because they dressed funny and had greasy hair. I didn't understand why, just because they chose to live a simpler lifestyle that they looked like such outcasts. (Again, remember this is from an elem. kid's point-of-view.)

    An alternative life-style I've always thought would be interesting for myself is living like they did 100-150 years ago. (I'm sure this stems from my addiction to "Little House on the Prairie".) Anyway, wouldn't it be cool to NOT rely on the "things" we have today and to live simpler (and harder) lives. To be sure, I would miss indoor plumbing, but as a teacher, I wouldn't have to worry about OAA tests. I could teach what needed to be taught and kick kids out - literally - when they misbehaved. Hmmmm.....

  3. Society by Eddie Vedder

    Oh, it's a mystery to me
    We have a greed with which we have agreed
    And you think you have to want more than you need
    Until you have it all you won't be free

    Society, you're a crazy breed
    Hope you're not lonely without me...

    When you want more than you have
    You think you need...
    And when you think more than you want
    Your thoughts begin to bleed
    I think I need to find a bigger place
    Because when you have more than you think
    You need more space

    Society, you're a crazy breed
    Hope you're not lonely without me...
    Society, crazy indeed
    Hope you're not lonely without me...

    There's those thinking, more-or-less, less is more
    But if less is more, how you keeping score?
    Means for every point you make, your level drops
    Kinda like you're starting from the top
    You can't do that...

    Society, you're a crazy breed
    Hope you're not lonely without me...
    Society, crazy indeed
    Hope you're not lonely without me...

    Society, have mercy on me
    Hope you're not angry if I disagree...
    Society, crazy indeed
    Hope you're not lonely without me...
